
Brian Fossett was radically saved in 1992 and surrendered to full time ministry immediately. During the past two decades he has served in many capacities including full time pastorate, and has served nationally as the President of the Conference of Southern Baptist Evangelists, served on the Committee of Nominations from Georgia for the Southern Baptist Convention and Georgia Baptist Convention Committee of Nominations. He served 3 terms as President of the Georgia Baptist Evangelists (GBE).

Brian has a good grip on the local church and has a deep love for churches and their pastors. He believes that church should not be boring but exciting, motivating and inspiring while remaining genuine, authentic and true. Brian believes we should come to church to worship the King and get into His presence. His goal is to allow God to use him as an instrument to encourage, stir and ignite the church of Jesus Christ. Brian believes the Bible is the infallible, inspired, inerrant word of God and if Jesus be lifted up He will draw all men to Himself. The aim and focus of Fossett Evangelistic Ministries is to see souls saved and grow in that salvation to be strong, healthy children of the King.

I believe

in the virgin birth, sinless life, death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. 

My heart's desire is to see the church be all God intends for it to be: whole, healthy and alive. 

The church of Jesus Christ should be a hospital for the wounded and hurting of this world and a pep rally for the saints to come be energized, encouraged and challenged. 

Each worship experience should be a fresh, unforgettable, supernatural encounter with God. I am looking forward to serving with you soon. 

In His Steps!
Rev. J. Brian Fossett